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* [[PukiWiki]] [#s14a5adf]

- [[FAQ(>pukiwiki:FAQ]](ユ)
- [[鴻翫就若翫就若] 
- [[違ゃ潟ャ≪PukiWiki/1.4/Manual/Plugin]] 
** [[PukiWiki]] c 篏 [#vf801b51]


** 違若吾篏 [#n2c2eb75]
с若箴[膩雁若SandBox]]с若吾ikiName(紊ф絖絖羞桁)BracketName([[]]у蚊)ュュ ? 潟ゃ障違若吾隈脂≪с若後眼罕吾莨若с障

** 潟ゃ(3m) [#aeb02253]

** 牙ず帥? [#qf09daf7]
若吾茯違眼障筝絎翫吾障 -- [[hogehoge]] с

** 茯違吾莨若帥吾障? [#k1149f33]

** 吟激c激ャт査眼羔障? [#zee20d44]
若吾膩篁ヤ膩倶綵≪障膩筝贋違障c障? 絎綽PukiWiki贋井若吾贋井ユ若帥贋井ユ罸莠膩с障贋違腦莎激翫若吾若膩眼

-[[Text Formatting Rule Abstract>FormatRule]] (also included as the last part of this page)
--[[Text Formatting Rule>TextFormattingRule]] (now preparing. Please refer to site: [[Text Formatting Rule:]].)
-[[Plugin Help>PluginHelp]]

***What's PukiWiki? [#vf6f358a]
Anyone can edit all of the pages((except for pages frozen by the administrators)) in the PukiWiki. You move to the page you want to edit, and click "[ Edit ]" at the top of the page. Then you can see a textfield, in which you can edit the descriptions of page.
The edited content are formed by the [[FormatRule]].

You can edit the page [[ForPractice]] in any way as a rule. So we advise you to try and edit a page!

***How to make a new page [#neb8078e]
If you write '''WikiName''' that includes two capitalized letters and '''BracketName''' enclosing [[]], the mark ''?'' appears at the tail of the written text strings. If you click the mark, the new page and the editable textfield are created, and you can modify the page the same way you usually edit a page.

***What's the string attached to Links, such as "(3m)"? [#ab8c62f1]
The string (3m) shows that the page was updated about 3 minites ago , (5h) means about 5 hours, and (8d) means  about 8 days.

***Is this different from a BBS? [#q5170569]
Yes, a little. If you modify a page, the page cannot show who was the modifier. So you can write your name near your changes. -- [[Developer Team]] ... like this.

***Can someone remove all the descriptions in a page? [#k3570b93]
Yes! In WikiClone, such as PukiWiki, anyone can dirty, remove, and even ruin pages. PukiWiki, however, can do periodical backups, so the bad attacks will be ineffective. It is possible to recover the attacked pages easily.  

***Could the browser cache and proxy cancel my modifications? [#z07c55bf]
If another person is editing the page you are editing, what happens? It's OK. PukiWiki checks the differences between the changes on the original page and your modifications, by comparing the date of the  updated original page with the date of your updated page. 

In the case of conflict, you should reload the page you have edited and try to edit it again.


* [[PukiWiki]]羆 [#fbb8c9aa]

// -[[ PukiWiki>About PukiWiki]](∝蚕)
// -[[絲茯羈>FormatRule]] (箙∝緇蚕)
// #include(About PukiWiki)

**篁藝惹 PukiWiki? [#qed4fb24]
篁私篋咲遵札膩鹿 PukiWiki 茖(や茴絨√))≪荀膩鹿筝∽鐚茫腱糸域藥娯劫轡桁筝 "[ 膩鹿 ]" 鐚九遺絖膩鹿荀腦鐚札∝隈莠∝у膩鹿у醇号絲茯羈筝荀茴亥隈

綮肴札荅隈莠 "[[羝]]" 箴膩雁絲茯羈荀

**絋篏∝亥 [#d0f9946d]
絋篋筝 '''WikiName'''(紊у絲祁掩絖) '''BracketName'''([]]莎隙)鐚i瑳絖筝峨√葦榊憘''?'' 篁h;荅臥g√ユ梧 ''?''鐚絨掩綮榊筝育≫研榊憘絖膩鹿荀腦鐚札膩鹿荅臥√葦鎶喝幻膩鹿筝∽筝罔c

**g緇∫絖筝峨 "(3m)" 篁h;篁藝惹? [#pb87339c]
絖筝 (3m) 茵ず荅臥√茴贋育(5h) 茵ず荅臥√絨茴贋育 (8d) 茵ず荅臥√ぉ茴贋育

**糸篏罨(BBS)篁藝寂? [#h15d9a0d]
鐚筝篋筝ユ信剛筝荅臥∝≧蕁ョず篆合篁ユ札莅雁井拷菴絲絖蕁篌守罔 -- ([[Developer Team]])

**篁私筝篋咲遵札腱脂や≫賢у [#o95d9b93]
鐚 WikiClone 茖¥箴絋 PukiWiki鐚篁私篋咲遵札羆≧ょ括翫≪区鐚PukiWiki 札絎篁緒篁ラ篋筝絅順紙絨≧堺札緇絎号緇d茴紙≪

**頳遵綽Cache)撮篌堺Proxy)羃醇羔篆 [#r7d487c9]
ユ銀篋坂隈莠罩e隈莠∽鐚主篁藝寂鏐筝綵演帥PukiWiki 罸莠箴∽贋亥ユ信拷∽贋亥ユ箴罟∽ユ莅雁∵箴≫綏違

// #include(FormatRule)